1000 sqyd, 1200 sqyd, 4000 sqyd, price Rs 1.25 lac to Rs 2 lac sq yd
Available factory for sale in Industrial Area plot size for 2500 square area and built up area 4000 square foot to 10000 square foot basement ground 1st 2nd 3rd floor available property rate remove loan available installments 887 699 1956, detail 30 can be used for commercial, industrial, and IT services. 24/7 fully secured area with 24 card from Metro walking distance bus stand hospital private hospital
Lots of guest houses are available near
Sale prices of factories for sale in Okhla by property dealer Okhla
Call for all commercial property for sale in Okhla Industrial Area main road east facing 80 and 60 ft road. walking distance from the Crown Plaza hotel. Ready-to-use factory freehold
Available factory land in Okhla Phase 1 and Okhla Phase 2, Delhi Ready to move and use 450 sq yd to 1600 sq yd for sale in Okhla Industrial Area Phases 1 and 2. The First Alottee Company owned freehold. Full check payment deals exclusively on okhlaindustrialarea.com
For rent or sale, call us at +91-9811090764.
Property Masterz, an Okhla Industrial Area-based property dealer, provides a factory for sale in Okhla Industrial Area Phase 2 in Delhi, India. Contact commercial property dealers at ++91-9811090764.
We provide all kinds of commercial and industrial office space, warehouses, factories, and retail spaces for rent and sale, furnished or unfurnished, ready to move. The sizes available are 1500 ft to 50000 sq ft in the Okhla Industrial Area.
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Call +91-9811090764. or mail us at info@propertymasterz.in.
Are you in search of office space in the Okhla industrial area, New Delhi? Find commercial office space for rent, sale, or lease in Okhla Industrial Area Phase 2, New Delhi, at okhlaindustrialarea.com.
ohlaindustrialarea.com is your one-stop solution for finding office space in Okhla Industrial Area Phase 2, New Delhi, India, since 2008.
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